The European Architectural History Network is delighted to announce that its 8th biennial meeting will take place at the NTUAthens School of Architecture, 19-23 June 2024
Download the book of abstracts/full programme in .pdf:
10.00-18.00 on-site registration
11.00-18.00 thematic interest group meetings
14.00-16.00 AH meeting
16.00-17.00 EAHN business meeting
18.00-18.30 conference opening
18.30-20.00 keynote lecture
20.00-22.00 opening reception
10.00-12.00 paper sessions
12.00-13.00 lunch
13.00-15.00 lunch tours / AH panel discussion
16.00-18.00 paper sessions
18.30-20.00 keynote lecture
10.00-12.00 paper sessions
12.00-13.00 lunch
13.00-15.00 lunch tours / ERC workshop
16.00-18.00 paper sessions
18.30-20.00 keynote lecture
20.00-22.00 gala dinner
10.00-12.00 paper sessions
12.00-13.00 lunch
14.00-16.00 book launches
16.00-16.30 summation
16.30-18.00 AH awards, next conference and the future
18.30-21.00 farewell drinks
09.00-18.00 post conference tours
* no registration is needed for the gala dinner
Interest group meetings (Wednesday, 11.00-18.00):
Interest Group ‘Urban Representations’ (room A101)
Interest group ‘Building Word Image’ (room A106)
Interest group ‘Eastern Europe’ (room A002)
Interest group ‘Contemporary History’ (room A106)
Interest group ‘Architecture History and Digital Humanities’ with Interest group ‘Housing’ (joint event) (room A008)
Interest group ‘Postmodern’ with interest group ‘Environment’ (joint event) (room A104)
Interest group ‘Women and Gender’ (room A101)
20 June morning (10.00-12.00)
Tourist imaginaries and architecture performativity in Mediterranean coast from a gender perspective (A106)
Youth and Architecture – Spaces and projects for/by an underrepresented group (A002)
Civic Centre Revisited: The Politics of an Urban Design Mirage (A101)
Provincialised Colonialities (A008)
The house types and the type of house: the colonial form for indigenous domesticity (A104)
Forging “Crossed Histories” of Twentieth-Century Architecture and Urban Design (K Hall)
20 June afternoon (16.00-18.00)
Architecture and Anthropocene Air (K Hall)
Wars outside and wars inside (A008)
Bureaucracy and Architecture in the Nineteenth Century in Europe and its Colonies: A New Paradigm? (A002)
Architectural Embodiments of Grain Sovereignty (A101)
On Buildings that No Longer Exist (A106)
21 June morning (10.00-12.00)
A veranda, a view and a motorway. Revisiting post-war touristic architectures in the Mediterranean (A002)
Architectural Histories after the Global Turn (A104)
Ecologies of Stone (A106)
Histories of Data Networks of Urban and Territorial Intelligence (K Hall)
Cultures of Maintenance: Upkeep and Repair (A101)
Architects societies and associations in the 19th and 20th centuries: centralisation and networks (A008)
21 June afternoon (16.00-18.00)
Architectural Historiography and its Moving Images: Cinema as an Agent of Historical Culture (A106)
Women Making Space in South America, c.1400-1900 (A101)
Data Narratives of Architectural Modernity (A008)
Machines for Settling: The Provisional Architectures of Colonialism (K Hall)
Urbanophobia (A002)
22 June morning (10.00-12.00)
Not so Pure: Modern Interior contaminations (A008)
Drawing the Ground (K Hall)
Histories of Architecture, Irony and Humour, 1750-present (A 106)
Toward a Genealogy of Care: Housekeeping and Homemaking (A002)
Democratisation and Architecture in the European South: A Comparative Approach (A101)
Supporting your research with the ERC – ERC information session (21 June, 13.00-15.00, K Hall)
Book launches (June 22):

Maristella Casciato discussing with Panayotis Tournikiotis
Le Corbusier. Album Punjab, 1951 (Lars Müller, 2024)
Edited by Maristella Casciato

Narrating the Globe: The Emergence of World Histories of Architecture (MIT Press, 2023)
Edited by Petra Brouwer, Martin Bressani and Christopher Drew Armstrong
Ralph Ghoche (Barnard College, NY)
Markus Lähteenmäki (UCL, London)
Alex Bremner (University of Edinburgh)
Anne Hultzsch (ETH Zurich)
Petra Brouwer (University of Amsterdam)
Martin Bressani (McGill University)

Things That Move: A Hinterland in Architectural History (MIT Press, 2024) by Tim Anstey
Wolkenbügel: El Lissitzky as Architect (MIT Press, 2024) by Richard Anderson